Me: 170 pound weekend warrior father of two intermediate; kiting for about 6 years now.
I got to ride my 6M Renegade again on Saturday. I rode from 1PM to about 3:30 on 20M lines. From the chart below, this is range is about 20 to 37 or so. Not exactly ideal conditions but, the kite handled really well. I had pulled about 6 to 8 inched of depower as I am a real sissy and don’t like to be over powered. Even at that range, I had to sheet out fully on some of the bigger gusts. When I have done this on kites in the past, jumping usually suffer significantly. I was amazed to see that the Renegade still had great floaty jumps even in this depowered riding mode. The kite handled just the same way with depower as well as without. It has a very smooth feel and I always knew where the kite was and it never over-flew me or got out of control.
I can’t emphasize enough on the hangtime that these kites have. You just float. It’s a really cool almost gliding like feeling. Not to mention that this three strut kite is super easy to pump up and then put away. I get two kites in one bag now.
What didn’t I like? Nothing, this kite does everything for me. In this high wind range, we get some significant swells on the river. I could sheet out, ride downwind on these swells and the Renegade would just hang there waiting for input again. I should be getting out to the coast soon and I will let you know how it goes with the waves.