Epic pass the -30oC extreme weather Test.
This weekend , i go out with the EPIC Screamer 14M in EXTREM COLD weather.
I go out in kiteSki at -30c , wind was maybe 8 to 20km/hrs.
I was a bit scare about the CL safety , because the Safety is a plastique lock .
I try i few time to unlock the CL and Lock again everything go well . All work well with this cold weather . The plastic part , look well built
Other thing a validate in this cold condition (Also the Kite still in my car all the weekend average -20 to -30)
- The onepump clip style. work , because the tubing on the OP still soft , the click still working
- The small ball in the main Inflatable point still work
- The Valve was harder to close , but no problemo
- The Bar , work well the system to untwist the front lines style working very good.
- I drop the kite a few time in this hard pack ICE and nothing wrong. Good construction A1 ..
- The only thing, i do not know why, Screamer do not have the small tissus on the front bridles connector loop in the kite to help me to open the loop to connect the line to the bridales. In -30 , you do not want to put your glove out. Maybe a small add on in the Epic 2011 products.
- Again i do not try the jumping , It's was ICY condition . But i can tell you the Screamer 14 a have a very good low end..
Also the relunching in the snow/ice is very easie , just grab a direction line and wait... Faster and easier then a Eclipse T14.
Video soon , maybe next week in the SnowKite race in Champlain Lake