Got to try out the Epic Screamer 14m in about 12mph wind. The kite had nice consistent and predictable power. After just a few tacks I had a real good feel of the kite, like I had been riding it for months. I am about 190 pounds and to my surprise had no trouble staying up wind. On my old 14 in that wind condition I normally would have to do "the walk of shame" after a few tacks. Had to work the kite a bit but noticed that it tended to stay toward the edge of the window, that really helped keep the upwind line. After an hour of riding the wind picked up to about 15mph at that time was able to easily park the kite and enjoy the ride. Got to boost a few jumps and was pleased with the height and hang time. The kite did not rip me off of the water even when sent hard and fast, yet provided a nice smooth controlled upward pull that provided a nice in control feel, great for making grabs with confidence. As far as kite loops the kite was fast with light bar pressure I was able to get some nice rolls in. The first couple thrown the kite stayed really high (being use to my old kite I was pulling a bit hard) after an adjustment in execution backing off a bid on my pull the kite dropped down in the zone and pulled like a horse. Kite drove hard and fast back to the top of the window with plenty of time to spot my landing. In short, I have tried many kites through the years and am really excited about these Screamers and think they stack up to anything out on the market today.Want a DEMO in the Myrtle Beach area look me up.www.vpkiteboarding.com www.epickites.com