comparison is mostly with a 2008 15m Cabrinha Convert which would fall
out under about 12. I am using the same bar and lines and Liquid Force
proof 151 and flew from 3pm to 5pm today with the attached wind chart.
As you can see I had anything from 4 to peaks of 12. I was able to
plane the entire time. The Infinity never threatened to fall out of
the sky. I was able to hold upwind over 8 and make gains with
anything above. Again, at no time did the kite threaten to fall out of
the sky with normal flying. Even more amazing, it really does turn
like a 12m. I can't really tell you what the pull compares to because
nothing else except a foil flies in wind like this as far as I have
found. I can tell you that I will have a hard time justifying keeping
my Flysurfer 19m now and there is no way I would go for a 15m closed
cell foil when I can use a 4 line kite with minimal bridles and get
this kind of performance. The kite is certainly fast enough and has
plenty of grunt so expect it will jump just fine but that wasn't part
of today's testing. I am well pleased as you can imagine. My search is
over. I do kind of wonder what all the other guys are doing with their
kite design that is so wrong...; ). Nice work.