Hi Dimitri,
Just wanted to tell how amazed I am with your Renegade 13 kite, I managed to get some time off today and try it out.
Not the best conditions, 12 - 20 knots, with 2,5m waves.
But the kite was fast, responsive, thought it might stall when the wind dropped and the waves where pushing
me in, but no problems at all, didn't touch the water once.
Ps: I now have to sell my Naish 10.5 to get another 9 or 11 renegade! and you need to promote more in Spain, some of the locals have never heard of epic kites, and they don't know what they are missing!
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Review of the Infinity V2
Interesting afternoon. Kited from 2pm-5pm. The wind chart does not
reflect what I know the conditions were so I cannot completely
substantiate my claims, I think conditions were 8-18. What I do know
was the when I arrived at the beach Mike Boxer and Evan were there and
neither would go out. Evan was doing an airush video (don't be
surprised if the v2 shows up in the background of an airush vid) and
had his kite in the air while they were shooting for the first 1/2
later when the wind picked up he did some demo stuff in the water
having to walk back upwind every time. This was partially because he
was pulling tricks that required that he use up the little wind power
that was there.
The changes I noticed with the kite which may or may not be correct are:
leading edge curves back more on the tips
deeper canopy
thinner leading edge
thinner struts
foam covering strut clips
The low wind beach flying of the kite seemed the same as V1. Launch
was the same. I even made a flying mistake that I know from V1 in
really low wind results in all 4 lines going slack and having to run
backwards to keep the kite from falling out. In the beginning 8-10mph
I took the v2 out with the light wave wing. Stayed upwind no problem
and I could feel more grunt and bottom end. I even made some small
jumps and getting the wing off the water is no small feat. I was
surprised I felt so much of a difference. The kite seemed a little
slower, more on this later.
Then it went to 10-12mph and I went to the LF concept DLX. Still
staying upwind no problem but now I started testing the jumping more,
no question it wanted to jump more and higher. Moved up to 15+ and I
depowered the kite and kept riding. It was very clear to me that doing
the same things I do with the v1 this kite jumps higher and has more
power. I let Mike boxer demo the kite and he did same as I - small
jumps over every wave when normally it would just be choosing one wave
to jump off. Wind chart shows gusts over 20mph but I would be
surprised if that was accurate, I didn't feel that. I have used the v1
over 20 many times and it requires that I depower the kite one step
more than what I did today.
Now on turning speed. I was not as excited about doing rotational
tricks with kite loops. I have gotten to where that is what I am
working on with the v1 on 10-15mph days and I was not excited about
doing it with v2. Maybe that was just not being used to the kite. I
have a theory though that something has been happening with my v1 that
happened so slowly that I did not realize it. I think it is possible
that the leading edge now twists more than it did when it was new
making my older v1 faster than the new v2. It is also possible that
the new leading edge is more stable and the kite does not twist as
much and is just slower.
Also on the subject of kite stability, I pumped the kite less than I
do my v1 and the tips did not bend under extreme wind and pressures.
On the v1 the only way I can keep this from happening is to pump the
kite very hard. It is also possible that the leading edge on this v2
will soften over time and the tips will bend unless pumped very hard,
however the way the leading edge curves back harder may be making it
more stable.
If I go on the assumption that my used v1 and this new v2 will always
operate as they fly now then I would recommend the v2 for anyone that
wants to ride in lower wind and jump as much and as high as possible.
I would recommend v1 for someone wanting to do tricks involving kite
loops in low wind. If Dimitri can verify that the leading edge will
break in and the kite will turn faster v2 is superior in every way,
unless you don't like to jump.
Thanks for the opportunity to check out the kite I had a great
afternoon and tried to let as many people as possible check it out.
The kite is a winner in my opinion. I probably used v1 for 80% of my
kiting days since I purchased it.
reflect what I know the conditions were so I cannot completely
substantiate my claims, I think conditions were 8-18. What I do know
was the when I arrived at the beach Mike Boxer and Evan were there and
neither would go out. Evan was doing an airush video (don't be
surprised if the v2 shows up in the background of an airush vid) and
had his kite in the air while they were shooting for the first 1/2
later when the wind picked up he did some demo stuff in the water
having to walk back upwind every time. This was partially because he
was pulling tricks that required that he use up the little wind power
that was there.
The changes I noticed with the kite which may or may not be correct are:
leading edge curves back more on the tips
deeper canopy
thinner leading edge
thinner struts
foam covering strut clips
The low wind beach flying of the kite seemed the same as V1. Launch
was the same. I even made a flying mistake that I know from V1 in
really low wind results in all 4 lines going slack and having to run
backwards to keep the kite from falling out. In the beginning 8-10mph
I took the v2 out with the light wave wing. Stayed upwind no problem
and I could feel more grunt and bottom end. I even made some small
jumps and getting the wing off the water is no small feat. I was
surprised I felt so much of a difference. The kite seemed a little
slower, more on this later.
Then it went to 10-12mph and I went to the LF concept DLX. Still
staying upwind no problem but now I started testing the jumping more,
no question it wanted to jump more and higher. Moved up to 15+ and I
depowered the kite and kept riding. It was very clear to me that doing
the same things I do with the v1 this kite jumps higher and has more
power. I let Mike boxer demo the kite and he did same as I - small
jumps over every wave when normally it would just be choosing one wave
to jump off. Wind chart shows gusts over 20mph but I would be
surprised if that was accurate, I didn't feel that. I have used the v1
over 20 many times and it requires that I depower the kite one step
more than what I did today.
Now on turning speed. I was not as excited about doing rotational
tricks with kite loops. I have gotten to where that is what I am
working on with the v1 on 10-15mph days and I was not excited about
doing it with v2. Maybe that was just not being used to the kite. I
have a theory though that something has been happening with my v1 that
happened so slowly that I did not realize it. I think it is possible
that the leading edge now twists more than it did when it was new
making my older v1 faster than the new v2. It is also possible that
the new leading edge is more stable and the kite does not twist as
much and is just slower.
Also on the subject of kite stability, I pumped the kite less than I
do my v1 and the tips did not bend under extreme wind and pressures.
On the v1 the only way I can keep this from happening is to pump the
kite very hard. It is also possible that the leading edge on this v2
will soften over time and the tips will bend unless pumped very hard,
however the way the leading edge curves back harder may be making it
more stable.
If I go on the assumption that my used v1 and this new v2 will always
operate as they fly now then I would recommend the v2 for anyone that
wants to ride in lower wind and jump as much and as high as possible.
I would recommend v1 for someone wanting to do tricks involving kite
loops in low wind. If Dimitri can verify that the leading edge will
break in and the kite will turn faster v2 is superior in every way,
unless you don't like to jump.
Thanks for the opportunity to check out the kite I had a great
afternoon and tried to let as many people as possible check it out.
The kite is a winner in my opinion. I probably used v1 for 80% of my
kiting days since I purchased it.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Brokite approves!
Hey, Dimitri,
Jerry Hartung here, the guy behind Brokite kiteboards, just got off the water here in Corpus Christi and wanted to tell you how much I liked your Screamer. I have been looking for a kite that I could really feel good about and I just found it. The construction and design is of such quality that I couldn’t find anything that I did not like, and the same goes for the bar. That is unusual because I can usually always find something to complain about.
I also want to mention that the hook-up with you and Rocky is a great fit; he’ll rock your new C kites.
Thanks, Jerry
Jerry Hartung here, the guy behind Brokite kiteboards, just got off the water here in Corpus Christi and wanted to tell you how much I liked your Screamer. I have been looking for a kite that I could really feel good about and I just found it. The construction and design is of such quality that I couldn’t find anything that I did not like, and the same goes for the bar. That is unusual because I can usually always find something to complain about.
I also want to mention that the hook-up with you and Rocky is a great fit; he’ll rock your new C kites.
Thanks, Jerry
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
a long winded one
This is long winded but I rarely get the advice or impressions I'm looking for from these pages, so I wanted to provide my impressions in detail for those that look for depth. Hope someone finds these thoughts useful.
I’ve got about 25 sessions ticked with the Infinity since I purchased it for travel insurance. Because I travel out of Alaska a few times a year just for kiting, I want to ensure everyday of a vacation is spent on the water with a kite. So light wind riding has become a core component of my riding days and the Epic Infinity my insurance for fun.
My light wind quiver includes a 16M Crossbow, 13M EH Eze, and now the Infinity. In addition, I’ve spent enough time with 15M Naish Cult, 17M Ozone Zephyr, and 17M Slingshot Turbine to form some impressions between all these kites in light wind. Light wind to me is less than 11mph. Any of these kites will stay in the air above 8mph if flown properly and tow me around on my light wind board, in winds of 10mph most will upwind. I weigh 165lbs and consider myself an intermediate kiter.
My biggest challenge on light wind days is keeping the kite in the air when the sub 8mph lulls occur. Once a kite hits the water, my light wind sessions can turn into big swims--especially in varying conditions where the wind gods are teasing and plying me with gusts into 15mph while I’m standing onshore. Issues usually arise with the larger relatively faster kites that allow me to jump around 12mph, which the Infinity does exceptionally well compared to other big kites. Generally 12 mph on any of the aforementioned kites allows me small jumps, glides, rolls, and to play around without thinking about keeping a BAK (big a** kite) in the air to a point. As my confidence in the wind and kite grows, I inevitably over fly the kite to watch many BAKs fall out of the sky and in some cases twist the lines up. The wind drops a bit, and the fun is over while I’m wondering if the ride was really worth it.
What sets the Infinity apart from all the BAKs I’ve flow previously is its ability to stay in the air and relaunch in sub 8mph wind. I don’t want to slam any manufacturers because all these kites have strengths and weaknesses per design; but, of the kites I’m familiar with, the Infinity has the best all around characteristics or balance of what I need for light wind fun. It is very powerful (not the most powerful). It is very fast for its size (possibly the fastest), which gives it superior handling characteristics in tricky wind. When it does fall out of the sky, I have not experienced line wrap or twists--it flies/falls straight down, and can be relaunched without incident (so far).
To me, the ability to keep a kite in the air during lulls and relaunch in the lightest winds during a session are the the most important qualities given that the kite does generate enough power to get a rider on step. (A 7M will stay in the air at 3mph, but I ain’t getting off the beach.) For me BAKs are a balancing act between power, speed, and float--how well does it hang in the air--and most manufacturers lean towards the power generation leg of the triangle--grab on to the Eze or the Turbine--I have to put those kites down at 15mph and the Eze is only 13M--Eric H did something very right with that design--until I drop it.
I’ve ridden the Infinity in all sorts of conditions and pretty much call it quits above 20 mph--it’s doable but not comfortable for my skills and weight. A friend and I had a good time with the Infinity and a skim board in sub 9mph conditions. I believe we were staying up wind but it was hard to judge because I kept falling off the board--no strapless skills here yet… That session has got me hooked for a skim board and will turn ultra light wind sessions (5-7mph?) into a lot of fun for quite a while. 5-7mph is a whole new perspective for me. Unhooked light wind on a skim board is even more of a blast; however, I’ve got to be able to relaunch the kite with confidence, hence the priority given to that characteristic.
At the other end of the spectrum I recently rode in mountainous terrain where the winds vacillated between less than 5 to 25mph. The wind would build behind a ridge and then unload down the valley across Tangle Lakes providing good riding for around 20 minutes with lulls for about 3-5 minutes in between. The lulls were so light, I would just sit in the water trying to keep the Infinity moving back and forth--think horizontal figure 8s with a trainer… When the wind returned it would build to full-on allowing jumps, up wind recovery, etc. I dropped the kite several times in high and low winds and it was amazing to see it relaunch at the low end of the extremes.
When the wind is 12-17mph this kite is very fun and forgiving as well. I normally ride a 14M Screamer in that range, but if I want to slow things down and get a lot of glide without worrying about timing, the Infinity is my new go to kite--it makes 720 back rolls a no brainer move. Many kites do things well in this range, so I’m not going to spend time on impressions but did want to mention that Infinity fun does not stop at 12mph.
My experiences with light wind kites have been a ton of fun, frustration, and a great learning experience. Light wind riding requires a lot of patience, skill, and specialized equipment--good BAK, various boards, line extensions. Like sailing, there are numerous subtleties that forge a line between fun and boredom or frustration. The Infinity has really changed my thoughts and confidence in just going out and trying things because of its ability to generate power, stay in the air, and relaunch in stupidly low wind. With line extensions to 30-35M the kite has allowed me to try some really light days and get back to shore without swimming. I’d recommend this kite to anyone with light wind skills or those that want to build light wind skill and especially for playing on skim boards in 8mph and less. Like riding on a lunch tray or flying a two line trainer on a surfboard, light wind unhooked on a skim board is another aspect of kiting I really want to experience and attempt to master. The Infinity makes it more fun and forgiving than any other BAK I’ve flown to date. It’s always about the fun and experiences…
I’ve got about 25 sessions ticked with the Infinity since I purchased it for travel insurance. Because I travel out of Alaska a few times a year just for kiting, I want to ensure everyday of a vacation is spent on the water with a kite. So light wind riding has become a core component of my riding days and the Epic Infinity my insurance for fun.
My light wind quiver includes a 16M Crossbow, 13M EH Eze, and now the Infinity. In addition, I’ve spent enough time with 15M Naish Cult, 17M Ozone Zephyr, and 17M Slingshot Turbine to form some impressions between all these kites in light wind. Light wind to me is less than 11mph. Any of these kites will stay in the air above 8mph if flown properly and tow me around on my light wind board, in winds of 10mph most will upwind. I weigh 165lbs and consider myself an intermediate kiter.
My biggest challenge on light wind days is keeping the kite in the air when the sub 8mph lulls occur. Once a kite hits the water, my light wind sessions can turn into big swims--especially in varying conditions where the wind gods are teasing and plying me with gusts into 15mph while I’m standing onshore. Issues usually arise with the larger relatively faster kites that allow me to jump around 12mph, which the Infinity does exceptionally well compared to other big kites. Generally 12 mph on any of the aforementioned kites allows me small jumps, glides, rolls, and to play around without thinking about keeping a BAK (big a** kite) in the air to a point. As my confidence in the wind and kite grows, I inevitably over fly the kite to watch many BAKs fall out of the sky and in some cases twist the lines up. The wind drops a bit, and the fun is over while I’m wondering if the ride was really worth it.
What sets the Infinity apart from all the BAKs I’ve flow previously is its ability to stay in the air and relaunch in sub 8mph wind. I don’t want to slam any manufacturers because all these kites have strengths and weaknesses per design; but, of the kites I’m familiar with, the Infinity has the best all around characteristics or balance of what I need for light wind fun. It is very powerful (not the most powerful). It is very fast for its size (possibly the fastest), which gives it superior handling characteristics in tricky wind. When it does fall out of the sky, I have not experienced line wrap or twists--it flies/falls straight down, and can be relaunched without incident (so far).
To me, the ability to keep a kite in the air during lulls and relaunch in the lightest winds during a session are the the most important qualities given that the kite does generate enough power to get a rider on step. (A 7M will stay in the air at 3mph, but I ain’t getting off the beach.) For me BAKs are a balancing act between power, speed, and float--how well does it hang in the air--and most manufacturers lean towards the power generation leg of the triangle--grab on to the Eze or the Turbine--I have to put those kites down at 15mph and the Eze is only 13M--Eric H did something very right with that design--until I drop it.
I’ve ridden the Infinity in all sorts of conditions and pretty much call it quits above 20 mph--it’s doable but not comfortable for my skills and weight. A friend and I had a good time with the Infinity and a skim board in sub 9mph conditions. I believe we were staying up wind but it was hard to judge because I kept falling off the board--no strapless skills here yet… That session has got me hooked for a skim board and will turn ultra light wind sessions (5-7mph?) into a lot of fun for quite a while. 5-7mph is a whole new perspective for me. Unhooked light wind on a skim board is even more of a blast; however, I’ve got to be able to relaunch the kite with confidence, hence the priority given to that characteristic.
At the other end of the spectrum I recently rode in mountainous terrain where the winds vacillated between less than 5 to 25mph. The wind would build behind a ridge and then unload down the valley across Tangle Lakes providing good riding for around 20 minutes with lulls for about 3-5 minutes in between. The lulls were so light, I would just sit in the water trying to keep the Infinity moving back and forth--think horizontal figure 8s with a trainer… When the wind returned it would build to full-on allowing jumps, up wind recovery, etc. I dropped the kite several times in high and low winds and it was amazing to see it relaunch at the low end of the extremes.
When the wind is 12-17mph this kite is very fun and forgiving as well. I normally ride a 14M Screamer in that range, but if I want to slow things down and get a lot of glide without worrying about timing, the Infinity is my new go to kite--it makes 720 back rolls a no brainer move. Many kites do things well in this range, so I’m not going to spend time on impressions but did want to mention that Infinity fun does not stop at 12mph.
My experiences with light wind kites have been a ton of fun, frustration, and a great learning experience. Light wind riding requires a lot of patience, skill, and specialized equipment--good BAK, various boards, line extensions. Like sailing, there are numerous subtleties that forge a line between fun and boredom or frustration. The Infinity has really changed my thoughts and confidence in just going out and trying things because of its ability to generate power, stay in the air, and relaunch in stupidly low wind. With line extensions to 30-35M the kite has allowed me to try some really light days and get back to shore without swimming. I’d recommend this kite to anyone with light wind skills or those that want to build light wind skill and especially for playing on skim boards in 8mph and less. Like riding on a lunch tray or flying a two line trainer on a surfboard, light wind unhooked on a skim board is another aspect of kiting I really want to experience and attempt to master. The Infinity makes it more fun and forgiving than any other BAK I’ve flown to date. It’s always about the fun and experiences…
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
chippi's post
The infinity is ridiculous. Dimitri better have an ironclad patent on this kite. Yesterday in CT, I was standing on the beach watching my girlfriend (5'7", 1**lbs) having fun kiting with my 16m LF havoc (no depower) in 13-14mph winds. Then Phil Burke from Kitewise.com was kind enough to let me try out the infinity. I went out when the 14m's and 16m's were coming back in. I was kiting 95% depowered for the whole session on a crazyfly allround 138cm and I'm 210lbs. It took some time to get used to a kite moving that fast and pulling so hard at 12 o'clock in light wind, but I got over that when my first boost with the infinity was easily twice as high as I expected. After that, I was sold and I'm currently trying to pick up the first infinity I can find. Is it too powerful? I can think about the answer to that the next time I'm the only one out on the water.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Taken from the French KITEFORUM
Bon, je vais essayer de vous faire un p'tit topo de mon test de screamer 9 hier
Ca vaut pas grand chose je suis pas expert mais y'a deja de quoi se faire plaisir!
Au déballage, classe, un shape sympa, des renforts un peu partout, cela semble bien costaud.
La barre, bon hormis les couleurs (le vert c'est moyen mon truc^^), elle est vraiment pas mal, forme des doigts moulée sur le milieu de la barre, c'est bien ergonomique. Largueur qui fonctionne bien et qui est vraiment archi easy à remettre, le tout assez intuitif, il est basé sur le même principe que les North que beaucoup connaissent. On regrettera seulement l'asence de dévrilleur, mais cela reste une broutille!
Les réglages, simples et efficaces, 2 positions fast & slow sur l'aile, un trim assez précis qui fonctionne bien, rien à dire quoi!
Conditions 22 à 29 noeuds apparemment hier vent side on, plan d'eau dégeu qui s'est assagit après.
Première impression, ca tourne vite!!
La présence en barre est bien adaptée pour moi, c'est juste assez présent pour savoir où elle est à chaque instant sans qu'elle soit fatiguante(+ que les Vegas mais bien moins que les Bandit 3 par exemple)
J'ai pas trouvé le bon timing pour monter bien haut, mais je pense que ca a du gros gros potentiel, en tout cas ca plane énormément sur la descente ca c'est clair!
L'aile reste bien stable dans les claques et on a de la puissance assez constante, bref, c'est prévisible quoi!
Niveau vagues, les vagues étaient pas bien formées et je suis une brelle, j'ai essayé de titiller 3-4 fois mais je suis loin d'avoir du niveau la dedans alors ca vaudra ce que ca vaudra, l'aile se déplace vite et garde une traction constante, elle va donc plutôt bien pour ca, même si les puristes vont surement s'orienter vers d'autrres modèles moins typés "freestyle freeride"
J'ai pas essayé de dehooker hier c'était un poil fort pour un débutant comme moi, donc ca je pourrais pas dire, mais au ressenti, avec un peu moins de vent je vais le faire sans me poser de question...
Au final bilan bien positif, je pense même troquer mes Vegas vieillisantes pour passer en LTD 10 m et screamer 7m...
Ca vaut pas grand chose je suis pas expert mais y'a deja de quoi se faire plaisir!
Au déballage, classe, un shape sympa, des renforts un peu partout, cela semble bien costaud.
La barre, bon hormis les couleurs (le vert c'est moyen mon truc^^), elle est vraiment pas mal, forme des doigts moulée sur le milieu de la barre, c'est bien ergonomique. Largueur qui fonctionne bien et qui est vraiment archi easy à remettre, le tout assez intuitif, il est basé sur le même principe que les North que beaucoup connaissent. On regrettera seulement l'asence de dévrilleur, mais cela reste une broutille!
Les réglages, simples et efficaces, 2 positions fast & slow sur l'aile, un trim assez précis qui fonctionne bien, rien à dire quoi!
Conditions 22 à 29 noeuds apparemment hier vent side on, plan d'eau dégeu qui s'est assagit après.
Première impression, ca tourne vite!!
La présence en barre est bien adaptée pour moi, c'est juste assez présent pour savoir où elle est à chaque instant sans qu'elle soit fatiguante(+ que les Vegas mais bien moins que les Bandit 3 par exemple)
J'ai pas trouvé le bon timing pour monter bien haut, mais je pense que ca a du gros gros potentiel, en tout cas ca plane énormément sur la descente ca c'est clair!
L'aile reste bien stable dans les claques et on a de la puissance assez constante, bref, c'est prévisible quoi!
Niveau vagues, les vagues étaient pas bien formées et je suis une brelle, j'ai essayé de titiller 3-4 fois mais je suis loin d'avoir du niveau la dedans alors ca vaudra ce que ca vaudra, l'aile se déplace vite et garde une traction constante, elle va donc plutôt bien pour ca, même si les puristes vont surement s'orienter vers d'autrres modèles moins typés "freestyle freeride"
J'ai pas essayé de dehooker hier c'était un poil fort pour un débutant comme moi, donc ca je pourrais pas dire, mais au ressenti, avec un peu moins de vent je vais le faire sans me poser de question...
Au final bilan bien positif, je pense même troquer mes Vegas vieillisantes pour passer en LTD 10 m et screamer 7m...
Monday, July 11, 2011
Renegade "Infinity" light wind machine
After 4 months of reading and demoing big kites I have decided to purchase an Epic Infinity.
I have been kiting about 1.5 years, weigh 215lbs/6ft tall 42yrs old. I share my kites with my wonderful and understanding wife. Although she needed some help understanding why our current quiver of Switchblades 8,10,12 are not enough. I had to explain that my fat ass needed a bit more canopy to get going when things are light. Light for me is 10-12 mph and up, I am not trying to get out and walk on water, just do some waves in lighter winds and maybe a bit of grass mowing on our slick.
After reading all the pimping posts and the hater posts I didn't want to like the Infinity, I wanted life to be easy so I was thinking 16M Switchblade but this is not a light-wind kite and it was not a kite i enjoyed in lighter winds. No love there.
I tried a Flysurfer speed 2 and 3 19m and both pulled like trains but ultimate low end was not my primary goal. I could like a Flysurfer 21 some day for but for my needs today and the cost it was a pass.
I tried the North Dyno 18M and my first impression of this kite was positive, at times it pulled like a Flysurfer but it could not get me going in lower wind than an the Infinity, maybe 1mph but it was not enough to move me to purchase. I tried the Dyno with the stock lines and line extensions.
I also tried the Slingshot Turbine 17M, this kite has a very clean and large bar. I really liked the under the bar adjustment until I tried to use it under load and could not move it at all. This would be a no go for my wife if she wanted to try it. This kite also needed to be pumped up rock hard or it would jellyfish, it also would fall out of the sky a lot when the wind was up and down. The other kites I tried did not do this.
So back to the Infinity, I contacted Dimitri earlier this year and he sent his demo kite to our local shop for demos. I was not able to try it out and keep looking at other kites. I contacted Dimitri again and this time he sent me a kite to try, I was able to fly the Dyno and the Infinity within minutes of each other. I made my choice and could not be more pleased with the kite or customer service from Epic.
Dimitri could just rest on his personal abilities but instead he is out building great products and promoting his brand. IMO he is a real asset to our sport as he is approachable and thoughtful on a personal level. He never asked me for anything except honest feedback about his product after my demo. My wife says he can come to dinner any time.
good winds Greg Fowler, Winter Park, FL
I have been kiting about 1.5 years, weigh 215lbs/6ft tall 42yrs old. I share my kites with my wonderful and understanding wife. Although she needed some help understanding why our current quiver of Switchblades 8,10,12 are not enough. I had to explain that my fat ass needed a bit more canopy to get going when things are light. Light for me is 10-12 mph and up, I am not trying to get out and walk on water, just do some waves in lighter winds and maybe a bit of grass mowing on our slick.
After reading all the pimping posts and the hater posts I didn't want to like the Infinity, I wanted life to be easy so I was thinking 16M Switchblade but this is not a light-wind kite and it was not a kite i enjoyed in lighter winds. No love there.
I tried a Flysurfer speed 2 and 3 19m and both pulled like trains but ultimate low end was not my primary goal. I could like a Flysurfer 21 some day for but for my needs today and the cost it was a pass.
I tried the North Dyno 18M and my first impression of this kite was positive, at times it pulled like a Flysurfer but it could not get me going in lower wind than an the Infinity, maybe 1mph but it was not enough to move me to purchase. I tried the Dyno with the stock lines and line extensions.
I also tried the Slingshot Turbine 17M, this kite has a very clean and large bar. I really liked the under the bar adjustment until I tried to use it under load and could not move it at all. This would be a no go for my wife if she wanted to try it. This kite also needed to be pumped up rock hard or it would jellyfish, it also would fall out of the sky a lot when the wind was up and down. The other kites I tried did not do this.
So back to the Infinity, I contacted Dimitri earlier this year and he sent his demo kite to our local shop for demos. I was not able to try it out and keep looking at other kites. I contacted Dimitri again and this time he sent me a kite to try, I was able to fly the Dyno and the Infinity within minutes of each other. I made my choice and could not be more pleased with the kite or customer service from Epic.
Dimitri could just rest on his personal abilities but instead he is out building great products and promoting his brand. IMO he is a real asset to our sport as he is approachable and thoughtful on a personal level. He never asked me for anything except honest feedback about his product after my demo. My wife says he can come to dinner any time.
good winds Greg Fowler, Winter Park, FL
Friday, July 8, 2011
Shoe post
Good call on customer support! I purchased a used EPIC online and love it! It came with an incomplete bar system and Dimitri hooked me up with a great deal on a new, complete system. I was so impressed with how I was handled(being a used kite and all) that I purchased another. I said it before, Dimitri has his hand on the pulse of the market better than anyone else I have seen. With customer service like this, I will always see if EPIC has the kite I need before I shop elsewhere. So far, they have!
manuelli post
Just want to let you know about a great experience I recently had with Epic's customer service and Dmitri in particular. I am pretty new to kiting and needed to replace the chicken loop lines as they were quite worn. I posted on the forum (see it here viewtopic.php?f=1&t=2370761) about replacing the lines. Dmitri got back to me within a couple days and recommended I save some money by buying 6mm spectra line from any marine store and doing it myself. It turned out the line I got was too thick to fit through the topmost stopper (although it was 6mm) since it was not pre-stressed. I posted on the forum again and Dmitri offered that I contact him directly. He was super nice and helpful and sent me a brand new chicken loop line direct from Epic free of charge.
Bottom line is Dmitri is a super nice guy and takes care of his customers. This is the second time he has helped me with my kiting issues Just email him and he will get back to you quickly and sort out whatever problems you are having. I for one really appreciate the individual attention that Epic gives to their customers. It has the small company feel and I get the sense that I will be taken care of. I will definitely be going back to Epic for my next kite.
Sorry for the long post but I just wanted to let people know about the good experience I had with Epic kites as I suspect that not everyone knows that they truly take care of their customers.
Bottom line is Dmitri is a super nice guy and takes care of his customers. This is the second time he has helped me with my kiting issues Just email him and he will get back to you quickly and sort out whatever problems you are having. I for one really appreciate the individual attention that Epic gives to their customers. It has the small company feel and I get the sense that I will be taken care of. I will definitely be going back to Epic for my next kite.
Sorry for the long post but I just wanted to let people know about the good experience I had with Epic kites as I suspect that not everyone knows that they truly take care of their customers.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Mark, a happy customer
I wanted to send you a quick thank you for the use of your 9 and 10 meter kits on Monday. Your kites were incredible and my 12 year old son had his first 4 mile downwinder yesterday. It was his first real kitting experience and your Epic kite gear was wonderful. I was quickly sold on your gear from Jeff in Naples but using your kites made me a believer. We hope to make it back down again in September.
Best wishes for wind and a great season.
I wanted to send you a quick thank you for the use of your 9 and 10 meter kits on Monday. Your kites were incredible and my 12 year old son had his first 4 mile downwinder yesterday. It was his first real kitting experience and your Epic kite gear was wonderful. I was quickly sold on your gear from Jeff in Naples but using your kites made me a believer. We hope to make it back down again in September.
Best wishes for wind and a great season.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Hello Dimitri,
Just got back from SA, tried your kite the weekend. It is truly unbelievable !!
I rigged it on Lake Houston. Wind range between 6.5 to 12 miles, the powering and de-powering toggles works beautifully and put not strain on your hands while adjusting this in the ride.
I have a few cuts trying to adjust the 14m Cabrina, so well done !
I will try the board this weekend, well done for designing something so great !!
Just got back from SA, tried your kite the weekend. It is truly unbelievable !!
I rigged it on Lake Houston. Wind range between 6.5 to 12 miles, the powering and de-powering toggles works beautifully and put not strain on your hands while adjusting this in the ride.
I have a few cuts trying to adjust the 14m Cabrina, so well done !
I will try the board this weekend, well done for designing something so great !!
Friday, June 3, 2011
Jason from the Bahamas
Hope all is well. I have never contacted a sports equipment manufacturer before with regards to their product line. I was introduced to Epic by a friend of mine in The Bahamas.
Most of the guys are all converts and are sailing Epic down here now. I wanted to let you know that your kites are amazing. My buddy had purchased the Infinity and I had a chance to try it and was truly amazed that I was sailing in 10 knots! I was sailing upwind on an Ocean Rodeo 165 and was fully planing. BTW, I weigh 210 lbs!!
I just bought one and it is due to arrive here next week, can't wait.
Thanks for expanding our sailing days and giving us something to do during the light wind days of summer.
Lastly, you are an inspiration to watch on the kites. You make the young guys look like little boys...
Keep up the good work!
Hope all is well. I have never contacted a sports equipment manufacturer before with regards to their product line. I was introduced to Epic by a friend of mine in The Bahamas.
Most of the guys are all converts and are sailing Epic down here now. I wanted to let you know that your kites are amazing. My buddy had purchased the Infinity and I had a chance to try it and was truly amazed that I was sailing in 10 knots! I was sailing upwind on an Ocean Rodeo 165 and was fully planing. BTW, I weigh 210 lbs!!
I just bought one and it is due to arrive here next week, can't wait.
Thanks for expanding our sailing days and giving us something to do during the light wind days of summer.
Lastly, you are an inspiration to watch on the kites. You make the young guys look like little boys...
Keep up the good work!
Friday, May 13, 2011
Tom loves his Infinity
Hello Dimitri, first of all I wanted to say that I got a chance to ride the Infinity last week and that I loved it. There were few riders out there, winds just sub 10mph, and at 200 lbs I had a great time on my skimboard. It was Scott Coster's kite, we spent a week riding together. I'm now seriously considering buying one -- and first of all, I wanted to ask you about bars. I usually fly LF Envy's, a 9 and a 12, and have a 45cm and a 54cm bar. How would the 54cm bar work with the Infinity? Lines are 23m, but I'm considering getting 3-5m extensions for the lighter winds. I can fly the 12 in about 11-12mph winds, but sometimes that's just not enough -- and since I have to travel for kiting, every day counts :) Any info would be much appreciated, thank you,
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Good afternoon Dimitri
Good afternoon Dimitri,
I wanted to drop you a quick note and say thanks for making such awesome products! I am sure you connect with a ton of people, I bought a 2010 bar system from you a few months ago, and have have been ripping around on my 10LTD ever since. What an awesome kite! This was my first season snowkiting and love it! I come from a ski racing background, and I think you can bump the ratings on this kite in the snow! Starting my first season in the water, and this is still by far my favorite kite!
I have been looking for a low wind kite for a while now and am bouncing around between the 14 screamer and the infinity, possibly the renegade LTD when you release it.
Your website is very informative and your 'how to' videos are great. I haven't seen another Epic up in my neck of the woods yet, but I am happy to share my LTD with anyone who isn't a beginner and wants a turn. Markchatwin on the forums was asking about questions about it after his ride on mine a couple weeks ago. He was very impressed! My only experience with your products has been awesome, and I can't wait get more of them!
I just wanted to pass on my appreciation.
I wanted to drop you a quick note and say thanks for making such awesome products! I am sure you connect with a ton of people, I bought a 2010 bar system from you a few months ago, and have have been ripping around on my 10LTD ever since. What an awesome kite! This was my first season snowkiting and love it! I come from a ski racing background, and I think you can bump the ratings on this kite in the snow! Starting my first season in the water, and this is still by far my favorite kite!
I have been looking for a low wind kite for a while now and am bouncing around between the 14 screamer and the infinity, possibly the renegade LTD when you release it.
Your website is very informative and your 'how to' videos are great. I haven't seen another Epic up in my neck of the woods yet, but I am happy to share my LTD with anyone who isn't a beginner and wants a turn. Markchatwin on the forums was asking about questions about it after his ride on mine a couple weeks ago. He was very impressed! My only experience with your products has been awesome, and I can't wait get more of them!
I just wanted to pass on my appreciation.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Alban Infinity
hi i hope you are fine.
The infinity is magic, 8/11 knts with my 132/40 cm , incredible.
Nobody can believe it , because the guy with is flysurfer speed II 15 m² can't ride.....
Do you have an Droid board 135/41
i can may today with paypal. (usd)
"Crazy-kite Shop"
The infinity is magic, 8/11 knts with my 132/40 cm , incredible.
Nobody can believe it , because the guy with is flysurfer speed II 15 m² can't ride.....
Do you have an Droid board 135/41
i can may today with paypal. (usd)
"Crazy-kite Shop"
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Joined: 24 May 2010 22:27
Posts: 5
Just wanted to leave a few comments on the Pismo expo.
First off, I commend Epic for their dominating presence at the Expo, and really making the effort to get people on their kites to demo them. Dimitri continues to have genuine stoke for the sport that's infectious and if he's not the hardest working guy in the kiteboarding industry...then I don't know who is.
Secondly, I wish I could be giving a review of at least a few different Epic kites that I tried, but I can only do a few, for two reasons: (1) virutally all their demo kites were off the beach once the wind picked up (due to many people being eager to try them), and (2) I was having so much fun on the Epic kite I was riding that I just didn't want to come in and try other kites! Look at the stoke on my face on the picture below!
The picture below is with my own 2010 14m Screamer, which I started off with on Sunday when the wind first picked up. I forgot my Epic bar at home, thus I'm using someone else's bar. I love everything about the kite when I want to ride a twin tip and the wind is above 14mph or so. There's not enough low end for me in lighter winds with a TT (I'm 180lbs) - I do have a tendency to ride a bit overpowered, which I like (probably for the leg workout and big boosts)- so take that for what it's worth. However, the Screamer is one of the fastest turning 14m kites I've flown, it's boosting ability and hangtime is just plain awesome, and the bar pressure is light. Relaunching is decent but obviously not as easy as delta shaped kites. I used to fly the Eclipse Thruster, and then moved to Epic when that company went south. I let a buddy of mine who also flew thrusters try the Screamer, and he bought one the next day. Things I don't like: I'm not a huge fan of the bar setup. The swivel is to tight to unspin the lines and the donkey dick is a bit too soft (easy to unexpectedly get unhooked). The donkey dick was improved with the 2011 bar though, and rumor has it that Epic will be coming out with a whole new bar setup later this year. I eventually flew a 2011 14m F-one Bandit and found that it had much greater bar pressure, was much slower turning, had lofty hangtime, but was just too slow for me. For the most part it had the same pull, but it just felt like it had to be muscled more. I would not buy this kite for myself.
I also demoed the 2011 10m limited Screamer when the wind had picked up more. This kite is by far my favorite when the wind is right. In fact, I flew it twice during the expo. Once on Friday, when the wind was ~25, and I was feeling quite powered up (but not unbareable) and then again on Sunday when the wind was ~15-18 or so. Rode the same twin tip both times (136 X 41). The range of the kite seems quite large. It's speed, power, hang, range, directness, and of course its' boosting ability, I think is unparalleled! The kite really felt like an extension of my body and very easy to handle. In my view, I don't think it can get much better. That being said, I don't think the kite is for everyone. It has a lot of power, and it might scare you !
As for other people's impressions, I can say that several people that I spoke to LOVED the Renegade. These were folks who ride directionals and love the waves. In fact, a friend of mine who has been kiting for 8yrs, who had just spent a lot of money on Cabrinha kites, was bummed, as he thought the Renegades were much much better. Another friend of mine who only rides directionals with his F-one bandit thought the Screamer was okay, but not exactly the style of kite that he's into. Others who are into more freestyle and jumping thought the Screamer was phenomenal.
Lastly, I've commented on here previously about Epic customer service. It has been fantastic when things have come up & I've needed to contact Dimitri. I don't know how that guy sleeps!
This was taken from this post:
Posts: 5
Just wanted to leave a few comments on the Pismo expo.
First off, I commend Epic for their dominating presence at the Expo, and really making the effort to get people on their kites to demo them. Dimitri continues to have genuine stoke for the sport that's infectious and if he's not the hardest working guy in the kiteboarding industry...then I don't know who is.
Secondly, I wish I could be giving a review of at least a few different Epic kites that I tried, but I can only do a few, for two reasons: (1) virutally all their demo kites were off the beach once the wind picked up (due to many people being eager to try them), and (2) I was having so much fun on the Epic kite I was riding that I just didn't want to come in and try other kites! Look at the stoke on my face on the picture below!
The picture below is with my own 2010 14m Screamer, which I started off with on Sunday when the wind first picked up. I forgot my Epic bar at home, thus I'm using someone else's bar. I love everything about the kite when I want to ride a twin tip and the wind is above 14mph or so. There's not enough low end for me in lighter winds with a TT (I'm 180lbs) - I do have a tendency to ride a bit overpowered, which I like (probably for the leg workout and big boosts)- so take that for what it's worth. However, the Screamer is one of the fastest turning 14m kites I've flown, it's boosting ability and hangtime is just plain awesome, and the bar pressure is light. Relaunching is decent but obviously not as easy as delta shaped kites. I used to fly the Eclipse Thruster, and then moved to Epic when that company went south. I let a buddy of mine who also flew thrusters try the Screamer, and he bought one the next day. Things I don't like: I'm not a huge fan of the bar setup. The swivel is to tight to unspin the lines and the donkey dick is a bit too soft (easy to unexpectedly get unhooked). The donkey dick was improved with the 2011 bar though, and rumor has it that Epic will be coming out with a whole new bar setup later this year. I eventually flew a 2011 14m F-one Bandit and found that it had much greater bar pressure, was much slower turning, had lofty hangtime, but was just too slow for me. For the most part it had the same pull, but it just felt like it had to be muscled more. I would not buy this kite for myself.
I also demoed the 2011 10m limited Screamer when the wind had picked up more. This kite is by far my favorite when the wind is right. In fact, I flew it twice during the expo. Once on Friday, when the wind was ~25, and I was feeling quite powered up (but not unbareable) and then again on Sunday when the wind was ~15-18 or so. Rode the same twin tip both times (136 X 41). The range of the kite seems quite large. It's speed, power, hang, range, directness, and of course its' boosting ability, I think is unparalleled! The kite really felt like an extension of my body and very easy to handle. In my view, I don't think it can get much better. That being said, I don't think the kite is for everyone. It has a lot of power, and it might scare you !
As for other people's impressions, I can say that several people that I spoke to LOVED the Renegade. These were folks who ride directionals and love the waves. In fact, a friend of mine who has been kiting for 8yrs, who had just spent a lot of money on Cabrinha kites, was bummed, as he thought the Renegades were much much better. Another friend of mine who only rides directionals with his F-one bandit thought the Screamer was okay, but not exactly the style of kite that he's into. Others who are into more freestyle and jumping thought the Screamer was phenomenal.
Lastly, I've commented on here previously about Epic customer service. It has been fantastic when things have come up & I've needed to contact Dimitri. I don't know how that guy sleeps!
This was taken from this post:
I just spent the last month living with the Infinity in mostly summer like light winds- say 6 to 15kts.
Here are my observations, noting first I am 180lbs and use a Mako King board when its light and in waves. I also own '11 Renegades 6, 9, 11 and '10 14 Screamer. If the R11m had a bigger orifice on it I'd probably do something unnatural to it- I love that kite so much it hurts. Its perfect.
First off this kite is bigger than I thought. Looks around 14m in size- I forget what the actual measurement is tho. That said its light and very well built.
Cutting to the chase, it does go in in very light winds- guys with their little anemometers show as little as 9 kts (actually 10mph which is 8-9) and I am staying upwind without sining the kite. In 9-11kts I am able to jump the kite at will. In 12+ I am putting on depower. In 14/15kts it feels too powerful to the point where I wanted to get off it- which is fine because the 11m will go for me in 13kts.
Others who have tried it say pretty much the same incl one 210 pounder who could not stay up wind on his 14m but stepped on the Inf (and Mako) and was going upwind, riding toeside, kite parked etc, in about 10-11kts I'd say. He's getting both apparently. The Mako + Infinity are great together but points out how important the kite/board combo to be. IMHO the Inf needs a bigger stable platform to operate from. I'll try with smaller boards but in +8 knots its hard to plane out when you are plowing water. By comparison the S14m for me, will only really stay up wind in 11kts but its been a while and I need to do a head to head. I'm guessing the S14 is a better 11-18 kt kite and the Inf a better 8-15kt choice (especially in waves- see below).
I love the turning speed of the new R11m and the Inf doesn't match it but its pretty good for a kite this size- and better than the S14 from memory. Note it seems to pivot better when the bar is not fully sheeted in. Bar pressure btw is just right- not too light/not too heavy.
Jumping. At first I had trouble. The Mako with its concave has to be jumped off the rail, but for me, the faster I went the poorer I jumped (huh?) but when I slowed board speed down it jumps incredibly well in about 11kts .
I had a chance to try it a couple of times in light conditions with small (2') waves. This kite actually made those conds fun (if not epic). I used to hate the S14m when the wind was lite and there was swell (bigger than 2' even ). Now I can't wait for real swell, when before it was too light to go out, the Inf will be a gas, making it not only doable but epic (big swell + light winds = less chop) . I'll still hope for 13kts+ to be on the 11m, but I won't sweat it if it doesn't happen. With a surfboard the possibilities are tremendous.
If you live in hi winds- gawd bless you. Or if you are a lightweight or cherry-picker who will only out if its 15+ kts, this kite may not be for you. But if you like to kite- a lot- and it spends too much time in the 8-12kt range, you should try this kite. It should mean more time on the water (during the summer in Nassau that could be 15-30 more days easy) and not just mowing the lawn either. There may very well be better kites in this category out there, but I haven't tried them. I do know this one works- and well.
At the outset I said I was dubious about sub-10kt claims but I stand convinced. As always, YMMV.
Here are my observations, noting first I am 180lbs and use a Mako King board when its light and in waves. I also own '11 Renegades 6, 9, 11 and '10 14 Screamer. If the R11m had a bigger orifice on it I'd probably do something unnatural to it- I love that kite so much it hurts. Its perfect.
First off this kite is bigger than I thought. Looks around 14m in size- I forget what the actual measurement is tho. That said its light and very well built.
Cutting to the chase, it does go in in very light winds- guys with their little anemometers show as little as 9 kts (actually 10mph which is 8-9) and I am staying upwind without sining the kite. In 9-11kts I am able to jump the kite at will. In 12+ I am putting on depower. In 14/15kts it feels too powerful to the point where I wanted to get off it- which is fine because the 11m will go for me in 13kts.
Others who have tried it say pretty much the same incl one 210 pounder who could not stay up wind on his 14m but stepped on the Inf (and Mako) and was going upwind, riding toeside, kite parked etc, in about 10-11kts I'd say. He's getting both apparently. The Mako + Infinity are great together but points out how important the kite/board combo to be. IMHO the Inf needs a bigger stable platform to operate from. I'll try with smaller boards but in +8 knots its hard to plane out when you are plowing water. By comparison the S14m for me, will only really stay up wind in 11kts but its been a while and I need to do a head to head. I'm guessing the S14 is a better 11-18 kt kite and the Inf a better 8-15kt choice (especially in waves- see below).
I love the turning speed of the new R11m and the Inf doesn't match it but its pretty good for a kite this size- and better than the S14 from memory. Note it seems to pivot better when the bar is not fully sheeted in. Bar pressure btw is just right- not too light/not too heavy.
Jumping. At first I had trouble. The Mako with its concave has to be jumped off the rail, but for me, the faster I went the poorer I jumped (huh?) but when I slowed board speed down it jumps incredibly well in about 11kts .
I had a chance to try it a couple of times in light conditions with small (2') waves. This kite actually made those conds fun (if not epic). I used to hate the S14m when the wind was lite and there was swell (bigger than 2' even ). Now I can't wait for real swell, when before it was too light to go out, the Inf will be a gas, making it not only doable but epic (big swell + light winds = less chop) . I'll still hope for 13kts+ to be on the 11m, but I won't sweat it if it doesn't happen. With a surfboard the possibilities are tremendous.
If you live in hi winds- gawd bless you. Or if you are a lightweight or cherry-picker who will only out if its 15+ kts, this kite may not be for you. But if you like to kite- a lot- and it spends too much time in the 8-12kt range, you should try this kite. It should mean more time on the water (during the summer in Nassau that could be 15-30 more days easy) and not just mowing the lawn either. There may very well be better kites in this category out there, but I haven't tried them. I do know this one works- and well.
At the outset I said I was dubious about sub-10kt claims but I stand convinced. As always, YMMV.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
My First Trip to Cape Hatteras
I've been dreaming about going to the OBX ever since I started kiting. This past weekend I finally got down there and HOLY SHIT! This place was so much more than I even thought it would be. Not only was this the best kite destination that I have ever been to but everyone that I met down there was so cool! By far the coolest person I met was Dimitri Maramenides. His attitude and enthusiasm towards his sport was motivating. This dude hooked me and my crew up with an entire quiver to demo for the whole weekend. I got to test the Screamer 12 & 14, Renegade 9 & 11 and I bought a Renegade Infinity from Dimitri just before I went down to the OBX. Dimitri also hooked us up with the new Droid and the Oxygen boards.
I was so impressed with the performance and construction of the Infinity that I had to try the rest of the kites. The first day we were in town Dimitri invited us to ride behind his house. I started my day on the Screamer 14 and was having a great time for about two hours. The biggest boosts I've ever done. The wind was coming up and Dimitri busted out the 12. I was in the market for a 12 and I was super excited to finally fly it. I started out a little under powered but was still having a great time. Dimitri and I were riding for about 20 minutes before he waived me down yelling "YOU NEED MORE POWER". I thought he wanted me to take the 14 back....nope. He had me land the kite to his kid and we quickly adjusted the outside lines in on the bar and BOOM! I was lit up again! If you haven’t flown the EPIC kites yet, be sure to get your hands on one. They are super impressive. The Screamer 12 is crazy fast. I was actually a bit scared of it at first but after an hour or so I was boosting bigger airs than I was on the 14 and had one of the best kite sessions I’ve ever had…that is until the next day.
For our Saturday’s session Dimitri advised us to head to Kite Point. I was super lit on the Screamer 12 all day long. I kept trying back rolls and kept over rotating because I had so much hang time with the Screamer. I never tried to do a double back roll so I finally just said “Fuck It” and went for the double. Landed the first try and was super stoked. Later in the day I decided to give the Renegade 11m a try. This kite was equally as fun. It’s a little smoother, not quite as radical as the Screamer but it was super stable. I found myself not even looking at the kite. It was always where I wanted it to be. I personally preferred the Screamer but I’m considering getting my girlfriend a couple of the Renegades simply because there so easy to ride and just have fun. My buddy was on the 9m Renegade and the Droid 135x41 all day, never switch up his rig. It was only his 4th or 5th time kiting in the water and he was staying up wind with no problems.
Sunday the wind was super light but it wasn’t going to keep us down. We headed back to Kite Point and busted out my Infinity. I went out first. I weigh about 215lbs and there was only about 7-8mph. I couldn’t quite stay upwind but I was out kiting on a twin tip and having fun. I handed the Infinity over to my buddy who weighs 150lbs. He went out and was staying up wind and also doing small boosts and back roll kite loops. The wind came up a little. Wind Alert was saying 10-12mph I went back out and I was able to ride up wind and do some boosts and rolls. I am super happy with my investment in the Infinity. As a bigger rider and living in Michigan, I know I’m going to use the shit outa this kite.
Needless to say, I came home with a new Screamer 12. My one buddy came home with a Screamer 14 and the other a new Droid board.
I also want to thank Matt and everyone at REAL and Waterman’s Retreat. If anyone is looking for a pimp ass place to stay, look no further than Waterman’s Retreat! This place is soooo sick! I wish we had a kite shop like this in Michigan! We finally did get to ride at REAL, our last day on Monday. What a kick ass spot. I’ve never rode such flat water. The Slick is the place to be on a SW wind.
One more thank you to Charlie at OBX Kite Repair (www.obxkiterepair.com) for fixing my boo boo. If anybody is in Hatteras and needs a quick fix on their kite, look no further than Charlie. I can’t even tell where the tear was! If I ever need kite repairs, I know where I’m sending my gear.
I know I’m going to catch a bunch of guff from a lot people saying I’m pimping EPIC or REAL or whatever but I dont relly give a shit! I just want everyone that hasn’t been to the OBX to know about my unforgettably kick ass experience. I don’t know how I’m going to get more time off work, but I’m going to do my best to get back down there this year.
I was so impressed with the performance and construction of the Infinity that I had to try the rest of the kites. The first day we were in town Dimitri invited us to ride behind his house. I started my day on the Screamer 14 and was having a great time for about two hours. The biggest boosts I've ever done. The wind was coming up and Dimitri busted out the 12. I was in the market for a 12 and I was super excited to finally fly it. I started out a little under powered but was still having a great time. Dimitri and I were riding for about 20 minutes before he waived me down yelling "YOU NEED MORE POWER". I thought he wanted me to take the 14 back....nope. He had me land the kite to his kid and we quickly adjusted the outside lines in on the bar and BOOM! I was lit up again! If you haven’t flown the EPIC kites yet, be sure to get your hands on one. They are super impressive. The Screamer 12 is crazy fast. I was actually a bit scared of it at first but after an hour or so I was boosting bigger airs than I was on the 14 and had one of the best kite sessions I’ve ever had…that is until the next day.
For our Saturday’s session Dimitri advised us to head to Kite Point. I was super lit on the Screamer 12 all day long. I kept trying back rolls and kept over rotating because I had so much hang time with the Screamer. I never tried to do a double back roll so I finally just said “Fuck It” and went for the double. Landed the first try and was super stoked. Later in the day I decided to give the Renegade 11m a try. This kite was equally as fun. It’s a little smoother, not quite as radical as the Screamer but it was super stable. I found myself not even looking at the kite. It was always where I wanted it to be. I personally preferred the Screamer but I’m considering getting my girlfriend a couple of the Renegades simply because there so easy to ride and just have fun. My buddy was on the 9m Renegade and the Droid 135x41 all day, never switch up his rig. It was only his 4th or 5th time kiting in the water and he was staying up wind with no problems.
Sunday the wind was super light but it wasn’t going to keep us down. We headed back to Kite Point and busted out my Infinity. I went out first. I weigh about 215lbs and there was only about 7-8mph. I couldn’t quite stay upwind but I was out kiting on a twin tip and having fun. I handed the Infinity over to my buddy who weighs 150lbs. He went out and was staying up wind and also doing small boosts and back roll kite loops. The wind came up a little. Wind Alert was saying 10-12mph I went back out and I was able to ride up wind and do some boosts and rolls. I am super happy with my investment in the Infinity. As a bigger rider and living in Michigan, I know I’m going to use the shit outa this kite.
Needless to say, I came home with a new Screamer 12. My one buddy came home with a Screamer 14 and the other a new Droid board.
I also want to thank Matt and everyone at REAL and Waterman’s Retreat. If anyone is looking for a pimp ass place to stay, look no further than Waterman’s Retreat! This place is soooo sick! I wish we had a kite shop like this in Michigan! We finally did get to ride at REAL, our last day on Monday. What a kick ass spot. I’ve never rode such flat water. The Slick is the place to be on a SW wind.
One more thank you to Charlie at OBX Kite Repair (www.obxkiterepair.com) for fixing my boo boo. If anybody is in Hatteras and needs a quick fix on their kite, look no further than Charlie. I can’t even tell where the tear was! If I ever need kite repairs, I know where I’m sending my gear.
I know I’m going to catch a bunch of guff from a lot people saying I’m pimping EPIC or REAL or whatever but I dont relly give a shit! I just want everyone that hasn’t been to the OBX to know about my unforgettably kick ass experience. I don’t know how I’m going to get more time off work, but I’m going to do my best to get back down there this year.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Email from Aaron
I finally got to ride the Infinity....WOW this kite has some balls!!! It was blowing between 12-16mph maybe little gusts up to 20-22mph. I was riding up wind with my small board 137x41 Liquid Force Recoil and I weigh 210lbs plus all the gear.... and I was wearing all my cold weather gear. The air temp was 45 degrees and the water temp...well, the ice just thawed two days ago...it was cold! I was also doing some nice boosts. I only got to ride for about 45 minutes so I didn't get completely comfortable with it. It flys sooo much different than my old 16 Havoc! Way more power, much faster turning and feels much lighter in the air. It did fall out of the sky once but it was my own fault. I rode into a shallow bay to rest and there are alot of trees causing a wind shadow. I am very happy with my purchase.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Sent to Dimitri via email.
Hello Dimitri, je suis Daniel, lucky bastard, de Ste lucie. J'ai essayé un de tes kites durant la kite fiesta. Je serais intéressé par un 11m complet. Si tu en as tjrs de disponibles, à quel prix pourrais tu me le faire?? Y a t il des choix de couleurs??
Merci et ce fût une révélation que de te rencontrer.Ca m,a vraiment donné une shot d'adrénaline que de naviguer avec un de tes kites
Hasta la vista
Hello Dimitri, je suis Daniel, lucky bastard, de Ste lucie. J'ai essayé un de tes kites durant la kite fiesta. Je serais intéressé par un 11m complet. Si tu en as tjrs de disponibles, à quel prix pourrais tu me le faire?? Y a t il des choix de couleurs??
Merci et ce fût une révélation que de te rencontrer.Ca m,a vraiment donné une shot d'adrénaline que de naviguer avec un de tes kites
Hasta la vista
Monday, March 7, 2011
Taken from FACEBOOK
Chad EngeldingerEpickites Kiteboarding
I rode Jeff's Infinity this weekend here in SWFL. I must admit... it's a great light wind kite. People on the beach were in disbelief when they saw me (205lbs) riding while everyone else is waiting for the wind to pick up. Great combination of smooth turning speed, just the right bar pressure and lift.
Chad EngeldingerEpickites Kiteboarding
I rode Jeff's Infinity this weekend here in SWFL. I must admit... it's a great light wind kite. People on the beach were in disbelief when they saw me (205lbs) riding while everyone else is waiting for the wind to pick up. Great combination of smooth turning speed, just the right bar pressure and lift.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Ok it isn't hype. Your kite flies exactly as described. My
comparison is mostly with a 2008 15m Cabrinha Convert which would fall
out under about 12. I am using the same bar and lines and Liquid Force
proof 151 and flew from 3pm to 5pm today with the attached wind chart.
As you can see I had anything from 4 to peaks of 12. I was able to
plane the entire time. The Infinity never threatened to fall out of
the sky. I was able to hold upwind over 8 and make gains with
anything above. Again, at no time did the kite threaten to fall out of
the sky with normal flying. Even more amazing, it really does turn
like a 12m. I can't really tell you what the pull compares to because
nothing else except a foil flies in wind like this as far as I have
found. I can tell you that I will have a hard time justifying keeping
my Flysurfer 19m now and there is no way I would go for a 15m closed
cell foil when I can use a 4 line kite with minimal bridles and get
this kind of performance. The kite is certainly fast enough and has
plenty of grunt so expect it will jump just fine but that wasn't part
of today's testing. I am well pleased as you can imagine. My search is
over. I do kind of wonder what all the other guys are doing with their
kite design that is so wrong...; ). Nice work.
comparison is mostly with a 2008 15m Cabrinha Convert which would fall
out under about 12. I am using the same bar and lines and Liquid Force
proof 151 and flew from 3pm to 5pm today with the attached wind chart.
As you can see I had anything from 4 to peaks of 12. I was able to
plane the entire time. The Infinity never threatened to fall out of
the sky. I was able to hold upwind over 8 and make gains with
anything above. Again, at no time did the kite threaten to fall out of
the sky with normal flying. Even more amazing, it really does turn
like a 12m. I can't really tell you what the pull compares to because
nothing else except a foil flies in wind like this as far as I have
found. I can tell you that I will have a hard time justifying keeping
my Flysurfer 19m now and there is no way I would go for a 15m closed
cell foil when I can use a 4 line kite with minimal bridles and get
this kind of performance. The kite is certainly fast enough and has
plenty of grunt so expect it will jump just fine but that wasn't part
of today's testing. I am well pleased as you can imagine. My search is
over. I do kind of wonder what all the other guys are doing with their
kite design that is so wrong...; ). Nice work.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Thanks Sam!

Thanks Will and Sam for the product shoot at Snowshoe in WV. Check out Sam's other photos, http://spsquared.com.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
I pumped up the infinity today just for grins. The wind was
like 3-10mph, mostly 3. We wanted to take a look at it but decided to
put it up anyway. REALLY surprised at how well it flew in extremely
light winds. The wind was seriously around 4-5mph most of the time and
we really didn't have an issue keeping this kite in the air. You know
Stinkies and the glassy area was probably 10-15 ft off the shore.
Another kiter showed up and actually offered to try it on the water. He trunked
it and threw down my surfboard. We have video of this! He wasn't
really able to ride, but he made it back to shore with a dry kite!
Very impressed, but ofcourse, no kite can really fly in this wind. I think we found the
bottom-end of the kite!
I am very excited to try the kite in 10mph. I think it's going to be a blast!
This prototype is built very light. I'm not sure how long it would
last in the hands of a beginner or if it could take a decent wave
beating. That said, the price is right and it really could be a game
changer for those of us that don't beat up our kites. If it flies
well at 10-12mph, I'm ordering one!
I pumped up the infinity today just for grins. The wind was
like 3-10mph, mostly 3. We wanted to take a look at it but decided to
put it up anyway. REALLY surprised at how well it flew in extremely
light winds. The wind was seriously around 4-5mph most of the time and
we really didn't have an issue keeping this kite in the air. You know
Stinkies and the glassy area was probably 10-15 ft off the shore.
Another kiter showed up and actually offered to try it on the water. He trunked
it and threw down my surfboard. We have video of this! He wasn't
really able to ride, but he made it back to shore with a dry kite!
Very impressed, but ofcourse, no kite can really fly in this wind. I think we found the
bottom-end of the kite!
I am very excited to try the kite in 10mph. I think it's going to be a blast!
This prototype is built very light. I'm not sure how long it would
last in the hands of a beginner or if it could take a decent wave
beating. That said, the price is right and it really could be a game
changer for those of us that don't beat up our kites. If it flies
well at 10-12mph, I'm ordering one!
Sunday, January 23, 2011
"I LOVE MY RENEGADE !!!!!! the 2011 is such a improvment I can not believe it!! People on the beach come up to me and ask where I got it from. It not only is a looker but it is so awesome.. The power is insane. And the depower strap is so easy to play with makes it all so easy."
"I LOVE MY RENEGADE !!!!!! the 2011 is such a improvment I can not believe it!! People on the beach come up to me and ask where I got it from. It not only is a looker but it is so awesome.. The power is insane. And the depower strap is so easy to play with makes it all so easy."
Friday, January 21, 2011
Ciao Dimitir,
Its good to see that they don't even wanna know about the Best Kites. I heard that the other weekend they had 9 best kites and 2 epics. And people were forming a line to try the epic kites..
The Word here in Brazil is that EPIC brand is the Toughest and coolest kite one can own.
People want one just for the pure joy of saying I have one and you don't even know where to get one. and now that they notice how good the kite is we will certainly grow!
David Gullander
Its good to see that they don't even wanna know about the Best Kites. I heard that the other weekend they had 9 best kites and 2 epics. And people were forming a line to try the epic kites..
The Word here in Brazil is that EPIC brand is the Toughest and coolest kite one can own.
People want one just for the pure joy of saying I have one and you don't even know where to get one. and now that they notice how good the kite is we will certainly grow!
David Gullander
From: Billy Bosch
Date: January 21, 2011 7:16:03 PM EST
To: Dimitri Maramenides
The kite is awesome. We had a good day on it. Everyone seemed be pretty stoked on it. The wind started off pretty light and then picked up. Also had some time on the Screamer. When does the Infinity come out for the public? I should have a lot of people on it tomorrow. Also filming for a TV show that goes on the Discovery Channel (Florida Travel and Life).
Billy Bosch
Good Breeze Kiteboarding
Ron Jon Kiteboarding
Cell: 386-235-9804
Lessons: www.GoodBreezeKiteboarding.com
Equipment: www.KiteboardingCloseouts.com
Locations: www.KiteboardingFlorida.com
Date: January 21, 2011 7:16:03 PM EST
To: Dimitri Maramenides
The kite is awesome. We had a good day on it. Everyone seemed be pretty stoked on it. The wind started off pretty light and then picked up. Also had some time on the Screamer. When does the Infinity come out for the public? I should have a lot of people on it tomorrow. Also filming for a TV show that goes on the Discovery Channel (Florida Travel and Life).
Billy Bosch
Good Breeze Kiteboarding
Ron Jon Kiteboarding
Cell: 386-235-9804
Lessons: www.GoodBreezeKiteboarding.com
Equipment: www.KiteboardingCloseouts.com
Locations: www.KiteboardingFlorida.com
Monday, January 17, 2011
Post subject: Re: Epic Kites 2011Posted: 17 Jan 2011 03:18
Location: Australia.
I was finally able to test the upper end of the wind scale of 7m Screamer on Friday afternoon last week in Sydney.
We had a North Easterly wind that was 30-35kts and extremely gusty. Others were on similar sizes and there were a few 9s.
I had the best ride ALL season on the 7m. I was comfortably jumping the highest on the 7 and those landings were sooooo soft. They were floaty jumps and I was surprised at the height I was able to achieve. (the height comment was from independent observers who asked me what kite I was on)
I also tested the durability of the kite unintentionally, when a jump went wrong and the kite slammed into the water. NOT a scratch. Bomb proof.
I felt totally in control 100% of the time even when the gusts were coming thick and fast. The 7m Screamer gives you a lot of confidence.
Dimitri has got a great product here and I am totally happy with my quiver.... Thanks Dimitri.
Location: Australia.
I was finally able to test the upper end of the wind scale of 7m Screamer on Friday afternoon last week in Sydney.
We had a North Easterly wind that was 30-35kts and extremely gusty. Others were on similar sizes and there were a few 9s.
I had the best ride ALL season on the 7m. I was comfortably jumping the highest on the 7 and those landings were sooooo soft. They were floaty jumps and I was surprised at the height I was able to achieve. (the height comment was from independent observers who asked me what kite I was on)
I also tested the durability of the kite unintentionally, when a jump went wrong and the kite slammed into the water. NOT a scratch. Bomb proof.
I felt totally in control 100% of the time even when the gusts were coming thick and fast. The 7m Screamer gives you a lot of confidence.
Dimitri has got a great product here and I am totally happy with my quiver.... Thanks Dimitri.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
From: Yux Yamashita
Date: January 13, 2011 9:10:09 AM EST
To: Dimitri Maramenides
Subject: Renegade 11 (Japan)
Happy new year, Dimitri. I came to Thailand yesterday and am staying here for about a month. I had a full day of kiting in Hua-hin today with my renegade. Although the condition was not at all great (generally weak wind + weaker lulls), the kite performed so well! Many kiters on the beach are really interested in the kite. Some of them may contact you as I gave those kiters your web site address. Just a heads-up!
Anyway, I am very happy so far as I am on the kite:)
Date: January 13, 2011 9:10:09 AM EST
To: Dimitri Maramenides
Subject: Renegade 11 (Japan)
Happy new year, Dimitri. I came to Thailand yesterday and am staying here for about a month. I had a full day of kiting in Hua-hin today with my renegade. Although the condition was not at all great (generally weak wind + weaker lulls), the kite performed so well! Many kiters on the beach are really interested in the kite. Some of them may contact you as I gave those kiters your web site address. Just a heads-up!
Anyway, I am very happy so far as I am on the kite:)
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